Persad-Bissessar: Report discrepancies at polling stations

UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on citizens to become national observers and report any discrepancies at polling stations during the general election on Monday.
In July, Persad-Bissessar asked for international observers to be invited to ensure the integrity of the election process.
Government acquiesced to her request and invited observers from the Commonwealth and Caricom, but financial considerations and the requirement for people entering the country to quarantine for 14 days, because of the covid19 pandemic, posed a challenge.
At a UNC campaign meeting on Thursday afternoon, Persad-Bissessar said, “We know we cannot trust this government, but I have confidence in the people of TT. That is why I call for national observers for (the) election on Monday.
”I nominate every citizen as observers. Look for irregularity at (polling) stations. If you see something, say something. Put it out on social media, arm yourself with cell phones and record them.”
Persad-Bissessar said she strongly believes the UNC will form the next government. If this happens, she said her government will establish an intelligence task force as part of its covid19 strategy.
She also presented a plan to establish a parallel on-the-job training (OJT) programme to create 5,000 "industry-lead” jobs for university graduates.
“We will develop a graduate internship programme, specifically for the private sector, unlike (the current) OJT (programme), where 95 per cent are placed in the public sector.”
The programme will run for one year and graduates will undergo an online training course in digital technology integration before starting the internship. Each intern will earn up to $7,562 per month.
Persad-Bissessar said she has no plans to seize money from the National Insurance Board (NIB) or Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) to fund developmental programmes.
“We will invite UTC and NIB to participate in our national infrastructure fund as equity partners using their idle cash balances, not the people's pension or mutual funds. Idle funds belong to the institution.”
She also spoke of plans to incentivise a Galeota energy logistics hub to support energy companies located in south Trinidad.
"Persad-Bissessar: Report discrepancies at polling stations"