Education Ministry: No need for panic at head office

The Ministry of Education denied rumours that a member of staff employed at head office at the Education Towers, St Vincent Street, Port of Spain has tested positive for covid19.
In a release Wednesday, the ministry said it was reported to the executive team that a staff member was identified as part of a contact trace investigation for the virus. Immediate action was taken and the officer was removed from the compound and arrangements made with National Maintenance and Technical Services Ltd (NMTS) to sanitise all affected areas of the building as recommended by the health authorities.
The temporary closure of the buildings over the last three days, however, was owing to issues with the air conditioning system. That closure was not ordered by the Ministry of Health.
The Education Ministry will resume operations from Thursday if repairs are completed.
Information instances of primary, secondary and tertiary contacts have been sent to the Health Ministry which advised that instructions would be issued in writing if necessary regarding closure of the towers.
The Ministry of Education said it would provide further updates to staff and the public based on advice from health authorities with respect to the sanitisation or closure of its government buildings.
"Education Ministry: No need for panic at head office"