Another case of making Govt look bad?

THE EDITOR: Recently the Prime Minister stated that some elements in WASA were interfering with the water flow in some areas in Trinidad to make the PNM look bad. I would like to bring to his attention a similar situation for his urgent action.

Over the past few months my Skybox courier service has been charging outrageous sums in duty, VAT and OPT (online purchase tax) in no relation to invoices presented. It claims the following:

Customs is disregarding the value on invoices and using its own values. Customs is charging OPT on everything and everyone, business and non-online purchases, thus breaking the law.

This has made most if not all of its tens of thousands of customers very irate and frustrated with courier services and the Government. We are beginning to feel the government is obsessed with taxing the living daylight out of citizens.

Could this be another instance of forces acting in a manner to make the Government look bad, or are these courier services illegally profiting on our backs?

These are very difficult times financially for all of us. Money is very low or non-existent and expenses are completely unavoidable. I hope and pray the Government has not become obsessed with taxing us to death and that it is just a few lawless companies. Please look into this urgently.


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"Another case of making Govt look bad?"

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