Time for labour to hold reins of power –Abdulah

THE Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) said the objectives of the June 19, 1937 revolution have not been achieved.
MSJ leader and trade unionist, David Abdulah said while the labour movement has won constitutional reform and set the foundation for ending the worse forms of exploitation, labour has not been able to achieve political power.
“Labour has not been in power. Let us complete the Revolution now,” Abdulah, who is one of the MSJ’s candidates, said.
He pointed out that the political parties which have sat in the seat of power from 1956 to present have promised but delivered little or nothing to working people.
“There has been no progressive labour legislation reform. Almost 20 per cent of the people live below the poverty line. The majority of workers live from pay day to pay day, with hundreds of thousands earning barely enough to survive.
Our farmers and fisherfolk continue to struggle against all odds to provide food for the nation.
The covid 19 pandemic showed us who the really essential workers are – but they are not being treated as if they are essential with only a clap in recognition for their services to us all.”
He also noted that workers by the thousands have been placed on the breadline for the last five years and that the contract labour system
Workers in their thousands have been sent on the breadline in the last five years and the contract labvour system is denying workers, and especially young workers the job security needed to get a loan, buy a home and have a future
“We believe that the people want real change, which is why at almost every election since 1986 the party in government was changed. But all that happened is that we got exchange. “So how do we get real change? We need another revolution. A revolution of the mind.
The revolution of the mind that will complete the June 19, 1937 revolution.”
"Time for labour to hold reins of power –Abdulah"