Sinanan: Cross Crossing bridge on hold due to covid19

Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan. -
Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan. -

WORK on Bridge B1/35, at Southern Main Road in San Fernando (Cross Crossing) was stopped a month ago by the Works and Transport Ministry due to the covid19 pandemic. According to Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan, all construction in the country has been temporarily stopped as a result of restrictions implemented to minimise the spread of the virus.

Once things begin to normalise in the country, post covid19, permission will be given by the ministry to resume construction work on several projects including the bridge at Cross Crossing.

“The construction of the bridge started at the end of 2018 and should be completed within six weeks of recommencement of work,” Sinanan told Newsday. This project by the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) was expected to be completed last October.

Drivers have already been advised as to what alternative routes are available since construction on the bridge is not yet completed. Traffic heading north along the Southern Main Road (into San Fernando) will bypass the construction works via an extra-wide Bailey bridge, west of the existing bridge.

NIDCO built an approach road to the Bailey bridge to accommodate single lane traffic. Drivers from the South Trunk Road, SS Erin Road, Golconda Connector Road and environs, heading into San Fernando, will have to use the Gulf View Link Road and also in order to access the Rienzi Kirton Highway and lower Cipero Street. A separate footbridge was built west of the Bailey bridge to facilitate pedestrians along Cipero Street.


"Sinanan: Cross Crossing bridge on hold due to covid19"

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