Duke still at hospital, co-operating with police

Watson Duke
Watson Duke

Leader of the Public Services Association (PSA) Watson Duke, is still warded at the Port of Spain General Hospital after he was reportedly detained at his Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, office yesterday afternoon.

First vice president of the PSA Ian Murray said Duke is still warded because of "concerns" among doctors.

Murray said while Duke has been co-operating with investigators, no reason has been provided for his detention citing an official police release that was issued early this morning.

Members of the Port of Spain CID went to the PSA headquarters just after 1 pm yesterday and detained Duke for alleged seditious comments he made last year.

Murray said it was "passing strange" that the reason for his detention was that "the police would take a statement by a trade union leader, given the context in which it was made, in defence of workers losing their jobs, and interpret it to be alleged sedition.

"That is why we have a DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) who is well-informed on the laws of this country, and we trust that the right decision will be made.

"What we will say at this point is that we see this as an attempt to weaken the trade union movement and our membership."

Murray said despite this, the PSA remains committed to defending the rights of all workers.


"Duke still at hospital, co-operating with police"

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