Dragon’s Lair, home of a Knight’s Quest and the Witching Hour

MOVIES transport people to a reality quite different from their own where they can fantasise about different scenarios like the knights of old who rescue the damsels in distress while killing the fire breathing dragon.

But what if such imagination can be captured in real life? Well, that’s the promise from the folks at Bmobile Escape the Movies are offering to people at its newest product, Dragon’s Lair, at South Park in San Fernando.

Its two escape rooms are A Knight’s Quest and The Witching Hour.

Dragon’s Lair at South
Park in San Fernando.

It is an opportunity for people to participate as a group in fun and entertaining activities in which people are locked in the rooms. Based on a theme, people must try to escape using the clues and puzzles in the room. Bmobile Escape the Movies is a brand of escape rooms gaming created about three years ago in TT for people to interact and immerse themselves with fun activities. Last Thursday, the group launched in San Fernando where it is doing several dry runs before it officially opens to the public in the last weekend this month. It has another location at Alexandra Street in St Clair.


One of the directors, Simon Baptiste, said they recognised the local business entertainment environment catered for fashion and the ability to go somewhere to drink or eat. Beyond that, there are movies.

Simon Baptiste managing director speaks during the launch of Dragon’s Lair in South Park, San Fernando.

Recognising there are other aspects of entertainment the US, Europe and Asia, the group was drawn the escape rooms experience which started booming in the last decade abroad.

Baptiste explained: “Each escape room we present is very different and everything looks realistic. In A Knight’s Quest, a dragon has taken over your castle. You must break into it and get rid of the dragon before it wakes up and decides to devour you. There are secret plots hidden in the room and that is the fun element.”

Simon Baptiste, right, gives a tour at one of the escape rooms.

Players must enter the castle through the underground dungeons and find their way to the very crypt where the treasure is stored. Those who fail in their quest meet a fiery end when the dragon wakes.

In The Witching Hour players are invited to dinner by their neighbour only to realise they have stepped back in time to a witch’s kitchen and they are the dinner.

“It is set in the 1980s and essentially you get to work through elements of the room until you get out or the witch return home and make you a part of her meal.

The creative director is Ben Gayah and did a great job,” the spokesman said.


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Baptiste is also the CEO of Question Mark entertainment.

Based on the feedback from players at the St Clair’s office and the 5,000-plus followers on Facebook, Bmobile Escape the Movies found that the games appeal to the 18 to 49 years demographic although families have been participating in this form of gaming.

It costs $100 fee per person for a game which runs for 45 minutes and, in some cases, up to an hour. It allows for as little as two people and as many as eight people in a room at one time.

Staff from several companies among them Shell, Atlantic LNG, Carib, Scotiabank, have played the games as part of team-building exercises.

“Those are just some examples. It is not just about having fun, it about finding out who the leaders are in the group, who are quick enough to way to deal with problems and work as a team. It is a great practicing grounds for companies to discover how teams work together and group collaborators”

People who are interested in booking can visit its website at www.escapethemovies.com or its official Facebook page at Escape the Movies.


"Dragon’s Lair, home of a Knight’s Quest and the Witching Hour"

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