Serious political flaw by the UNC

THE EDITOR: Why do the citizens of Laventille still vote for the PNM? In my humble opinion, it is because no one else truly cares. I challenge anyone in the UNC to come forward with a list of measures that were implemented specifically for Laventille between 2010 and 2015 that involved true interaction.

When last did anybody from the UNC even drive through Laventille, just to meet the people? How many times do any Opposition MPs (apart from attending Parliament) even bother to visit Port-of-Spain and other parts of north Trinidad? Do UNC MPs attend functions outside of UNC strongholds? In my unsolicited opinion, this is a serious political flaw.

It can be said that once the People’s Partnership coalition won the general election in 2010, the ministers disappeared. Once they have your vote, later for you. They are not your friend.

Who can ever forget the ill thought-out decision of then prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissesser in preferring to live at her home in Phillipine rather than the Prime Minister’s residence in Port of Spain? Should the UNC win the 2020 election, who will live in the official residence? MP David Lee and family? Jearlean John?

How can any political party expect to win an election when your only visibility is via social media?

As the old people would say, “Is like they fraid normal people.”


Diego Martin


"Serious political flaw by the UNC"

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