No facility to house mentally ill prisoner
Senior Magistrate Indrani Cedeno was on Monday forced to remand a mentally ill man who appeared before her at the Scarborough Magistrates First Court, and refer him to the St Ann's Psychiatric Hospital in Trinidad for further evaluation because there facility exists in Tobago to care for prisoners mental health disorders.
Luther Hercules of Roxborough appeared before Magistrate Cedeno charged with damaging a water guage belonging to the First Citizen Bank in Scarborough, earlier this year. He was admitted to St Ann's Psychiatric Hospital for 14 days, and then returned to Tobago and remanded into custody before his court appearance.
The Court Prosecutors told the magistrate that Tobago police were unsure where next to seek help for Hercules, who when he is released becomes a nuisance to the villagers and small business owners, and is severely beaten regularly. The court also heard that Hercules’ family members were reluctant to get involved in his matter and were tired of supervising him.
Cedeno described Hercules’ situation as a sad state of affairs, stating that she was hesitant to remand a mentally ill man into custody once again. She noted that Hercules was exhibiting a positive change and was in a better condition since he was first remanded, as recounted by police officers, who has said that he was being given his medication on time and provided with clean and proper clothing.
When Cedeno attempted to speak to Hercules, however, he could not understand her and was unable to explain himself to the court. Eventually, the magistrate remanded into custody and referred him to the St Ann's Psychiatric Hospital for 15 days for another evaluation before he returns to court in Tobago.
Sources at the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) that no facility exists in Tobago to provide 24-hour care for mentally ill patients. The Psychiatric Ward at the Scarborough General Hospital offers treatment for outpatients and in some cases, patients can be warded, treated and then discharged.
"No facility to house mentally ill prisoner"