Seven illegal immigrants among 20 held in city raids
Five women from Santo Domingo and two men from Jamaica considered illegal immigrants were among 20 people held in a police exercise between Friday and Saturday night. The exercises took place in East Port of Spain and ended at the Brian Lara Promenade.
According to reports, officers led by Ag Snr Supt Ajith Persad and including ASP Parriman and Insps Powder and Lucas along with Sgts Williams and Austin searched several homes in East Port of Spain and detained 13 people for various offences. Some were held for shooting with intent and others on outstanding warrants. The five illegal immigrants were detained following a lock-down of the Brain Lara Promenade on Saturday afternoon. The women were unable to produce travel documents while the two Jamaican men said they came into the country to seek employment and overstayed their time. Officers also charged several drivers with traffic offences.
Members of the Port of Spain business community were high in praise with the police’s efforts in trying to clean up the city with respect to their ongoing exercises.
"Seven illegal immigrants among 20 held in city raids"