Moruga police seize dasheen from Venezuela

Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat has commended law enforcement officers in the Moruga area for their work in intercepting an illegal shipment of dasheen from Venezuela, yesterday.

Two persons were reportedly held in the operation.

On his official Facebook page, Rambharat said the 8,000 pounds of dasheen would have serious implications for dasheen farmers in Navet and other parts of the country.

“Illegal dasheen may not be a problem for many people. For dasheen farmers in Navet and other parts of the country, it affects their livelihood.”

His post drew negative comments from several persons who wondered how the police were able to intercept the dasheen, while they were unable to stop the influx of guns and drugs from the South American mainland.

Officers at the Moruga police station said they were unable to divulge any more information on the operation.


"Moruga police seize dasheen from Venezuela"

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