J’Ouvert bandits carry out string of robberies
Despite reports of incident free J’Ouvert activities in downtown Port of Spain yesterday, masqueraders and residents have reported a series of robberies on the city’s outskirts in St Clair and Woodbrook, with the prime suspects being a gang of youths from the Belmont area.
Several revellers took to social media yesterday to express outrage and frustration over the robberies with one user posting footage of the suspected bandits after being dispersed by police officers. According to the poster, he was in his gallery when he spotted a group of young women being robbed and video taped the incident, before police spotted the bandits and attempted to stop them.
Newsday spoke to one man who speaking on condition of anonymity said he was robbed of his Nikon camera and $600 in cash at knife-point by one of the youths, while others beat him.
“It was a really frightening experience. I just felt one hard lash behind my head and I fell down. When I looked up I see this little boy with a long blade over me. Then all I saw was feet as they started to stamp on me and take my camera. It happened really fast.”
Another Facebook user, believed to be one of the gang’s victims posted her ordeal online in which she and her boyfriend were robbed.
“To the teenage boy who stole my phone and to his big hard back nasty friends who attacked my boyfriend and stole my bag with our wallets and camera lenses and house keys, I sincerely hope life catches up to you soon and you pay the consequences for the choices you’ve made to all those reading this, yes, we’re fine, and you won’t be able to reach me for a while.”
"J’Ouvert bandits carry out string of robberies"