We must think before we vote

Steve Alvarez
Steve Alvarez

THE EDITOR: The decision we make at the next general election can move us forward and end our era of mediocrity or lead us down a path of destruction. Let me be very clear, if Trinidad and Tobago elects people whose life’s journey is one that produced nothing, people who thrived on divisiveness, people who use others to achieve their goals and offer empty promises, we will see the end of life as we know it in our nation.

When we look at nations with modern infrastructure and development in the western world, we sometimes neglect to mention or remember that they were only able to achieve their goals because of their advanced education and experience that dates back to their European ancestry. It took centuries of life experiences to arrive at musical excellence, engineering expertise, mathematical knowledge and management structures.

TT needs new roadways and access to remote areas to increase economic activity, expand housing opportunities and revitalise tourism. That initiative requires engineers, construction personnel, environmental activists, planners and investors.

TT needs to feed itself. That requires a strategic approach to agriculture, examination of international markets, an understanding of soil conditions, water supply, impact of fertilisers and chemical on water supply and an understanding of what crops will do best in the environment. That initiative requires trained personnel in agriculture, investors, government policy on land management and vision.

There is a need to ensure that every house in the small islands of TT has access to a reliable, daily water supply. That requires an overall water distribution plan, new infrastructure and personnel qualified in water management.

The hours lost daily in traffic are unproductive and negatively affect our children’s ability to study. There is need for a mass transit service to the major towns and cities. That requires capital investment, planning, infrastructure and specialists in mass transit management.

Our communities must be safe for all our citizens. That requires structured police patrols, quick access to justice through the courts and appropriate laws to deal with violence and murder. Here again there must be personnel who understand modern policing; there is need for modern policing equipment and retraining of our officers to meet the demands of a modern world.

Every aspect of our development requires appropriate personnel with the competence to move the nation forward. Rabble-rousers, thieves, unscrupulous characters, though popular, cannot be the personnel to take TT forward. There have been many countries that voted for popular incompetence and they faced almost total decay. We are no different, we are not insulated from the consequences of our choices.

We must insist on honest, intelligent, caring, pragmatic, visionary leadership if we are to progress. Otherwise, as we say in TT, “crapaud smoke we pipe.” A word to the wise.


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"We must think before we vote"

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