Attorney Kamini Gopeesingh, wife of former minister, dies

Former UNC MP Dr Tim Gopeesingh.
Former UNC MP Dr Tim Gopeesingh.

ATTORNEY Kamini Omah-Maharajh Gopeesingh, wife of former education minister Dr Tim Gopeesingh, has died. Mrs Gopeesingh, who was ailing for a short while, died at a Miami hospital on Friday morning.

The family issued a statement on social media confirming her death.

β€œShe was the beloved wife of Dr Tim Gopeesingh for 46 years, dedicated and loving aunt, sister, cousin and in-law, and daughter of the late president general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Dr Deonarayan Omah-Maharajh and Mrs Shyamdevi Omah-Maharajh," the statement said.

She was described as a highly accomplished woman who was a member of the first graduating class of the Hugh Wooding Law School in 1975.

Two years later, in 1977, she co-founded the Port of Spain-based law firm – Gopeesingh, Martineau, Edwards and Co – with close friend and classmate at Hugh Wooding, Ynolde Martineau, wife of former attorney general Russell Martineau, QC, and Tobago-born attorney Glenda Edwards.

Gopeesingh, the statement added, will be greatly missed, as a woman who inspired many and touched the lives of all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Details of her funeral will be announced later, the statement added.

Reacting to Mrs Gopeesingh's passing, Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said in a post on his Facebook account, that he and the Oropouche East family are deeply saddened by her passing.

Moonilal said her passing had robbed the country of one of its prized as she was someone who relentlessly utilised her success for the good of her fellowman.

He added that her passing was even more painful because her husband is his close and abiding as well as a professional collaborator in volunteer activities in Oropouche East, from medical clinics to the campaign for the completion of Ramai Trace Hindu Primary School.

"We urge Dr Gopeesingh to be strong during this difficult passage, secure in the knowledge that his wife had left an enduring legacy of uplifting her family, friends and colleagues," Moonilal's statement said.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar posted on her Facebook account: "My deepest condolences to Dr Tim Gopeesingh and his family on the passing of his wife. May God grant you the strength to overcome this period of mourning."


"Attorney Kamini Gopeesingh, wife of former minister, dies"

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