JTUM continues rally cry against mandatory vaccination

Head of the Joint Trade Union Movement Ancel Roget. -
Head of the Joint Trade Union Movement Ancel Roget. -

Just two days after doing the same in Siparia on Monday, the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) took to the streets of Chaguanas on Wednesday to give out flyers as they encouraged people to resist efforts to make covid19 vaccination mandatory in TT.

Also present were representatives from the TT Unified Teachers Association and Fire Services Association.

JTUM president Ancel Roget led the effort and pledged the movement will continue to be a thorn in the side of the government on the issue.

“As a citizen of TT, every individual has a right to accept or refuse (vaccination).

“We are defending the rights of each and every individual in this country to accept or reject taking the jab in their arms…or to accept or reject taking more than two or three or four (boosters).

“It’s wrong to force someone to take the jab and tell them it’s either you take the jab or you lose your job…jab or job, it is wrong.”

He reiterated the union’s efforts aren’t an anti-vaccine movement but rather one about pro-choice and continue to warn that the union will not support any legislation which seeks to mandate covid19 vaccinations in any way.

“That law will be a most unjust law and that law will be resisted by the majority of citizens. It is our responsibility to stand up and speak out.

“They are now going after young children ages 5-11 to give them that jab and we don’t know where it will end.

The union will hold other walkabouts across the country in the coming weeks.


"JTUM continues rally cry against mandatory vaccination"

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