FABA Belmonteers presents Crime Doh Pay

Designer Bari Walkins, right, and producer Audruy Homer have a discussion at the mas camp in Belmont. - Photos by Jelani Beckles
Designer Bari Walkins, right, and producer Audruy Homer have a discussion at the mas camp in Belmont. - Photos by Jelani Beckles

FABA Belmonteers will showcase the negative impact of crime on people who choose to go down that path in its 2025 J'Ouvert presentation Crime Doh Pay.

Three sections are available for masqueraders – Neighbourhood Watch, Shotless and Consequences.

The Neighbourhood Watch section has the image of eyes demonstrating people observing the wrong criminals are doing. Shotless encourages people to stay away from guns and Consequences shows prisoners in a jail cell.

Designer of FABA Belmonteers Bari Walkins at the mas band in Belmont, on February 23.

Speaking to Newsday at the band's mas camp on February 24 in Belmont, designer Bari Walkins, said, "A lot of people saying crime pays, so we came up with something...you can't live (like that), your family can't go outside, you can't go in town (Port of Spain) and buy KFC. What is the pay? How that paying? The reason we came up with this (idea) initially is because of what is going on, especially in Belmont...we don't like what we seeing with the youths."


Selwyn Melville, Francesca Melville, Audruy Homer and Vanessa Forde are among the other designers, producers and supporters involved in the band.

Walkins said they want to do their part in reducing crime.

"We take that seriously and make it into a J'Ouvert. It will actually represent like we doing a vigil, almost like the community coming together...but you are enjoying yourself.

One of the sections that will be available in the portrayal Crime Doh Pay.

"The bottom line is we are not pleased with what is happening, so we are making a statement about what we can do about it."

This is the second year FABA Belmonteers is bringing out a J'Ouvert band. Last year, the band's portrayal was called Soca Warriors Ah See Yuh.

"We want to see it grow from strength to strength, because right now Belmont itself lacking activities, especially Carnival time. We don't have as many pan sides as we use to have, we don't have as many mas bands, as many J'Ouvert bands."

Belmont, located close to the Queen's Park Savannah, which is considered the heartbeat of Carnival, has a rich history in local culture. St Margaret's Boys' Anglican School, winners of the Primary School category in the Junior Panorama competition multiple times, is located in Belmont. Casablanca is another pan side from the community, formed way back in the 1940s. Pandemonium steelband continues to survive on Norfolk Street, within walking distance of Casablanca.

FABA Belmonteers is a semi-inclusive band as limited drinks, breakfast and security will be provided for masqueraders.



"FABA Belmonteers presents Crime Doh Pay"

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