Thieves rob watchman after trying to smash La Brea ATM

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Thieves repeatedly hit an ATM with a sledgehammer in La Brea before dawn on June 25, hoping to take the money inside it.

After they were unable to break the machine, they robbed a 41-year-old watchman from Rousillac of his cellphone and white Kia k2700 van.

The robbery took place around 2 am on June 25 at RJT Thackoordass Service Station on the Southern Main Road in Chinese Village.

The watchman was in his van, which was parked in the car park. He saw four men, one with a gun, wearing coveralls and black ski masks.

The gunman accosted him, announced a hold-up, ordered him out of the van, and the watchman complied.

The thieves took him to the Quick Stop Shop on the compound and smashed the glass front door.

They went in and made the watchman lie on the ground. They tied his hands behind his back and repeatedly smashed the First Citizens Bank ATM with the sledgehammer.

While they caused extensive damage, they could not access the undisclosed amount of money inside.

They then stole the watchman’s cellphone, worth $2,500, but left his van, valued at $75,000, and the silver Nissan AD Wagon that they came in.

La Brea police were alerted and PCs Pascal, Ali and Baboolal and WPC Clement and others responded.

South Western Division police searched for the suspects, who remained at large up to June 27.

PC Ali is investigating.


"Thieves rob watchman after trying to smash La Brea ATM"

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