Pensioner robbed of $3k 'coco-head' bracelet

A 68-YEAR-OLD Trincity pensioner was robbed while driving his car on Piccadilly Street around 5.30 pm.
The victim was driving his black Toyota Corolla on February 3 and came to a stop at the corner of Duke and Piccadilly streets, Port of Spain when two men of African descent approached.
One suspect, described as stocky in build, brown in complexion, wearing a grey T-shirt and black three-quarter pants, grabbed the victim's right wrist and stole a gold coco-head bracelet valued $3,000.
The second suspect who is slim-built, brown in complexion and wearing a cream-coloured T-shirt, tried to open the front passenger door of the car but was unsuccessful. Both men ran off.
Crime scene investigators processed the car and collected prints. PC Khan from Besson Street Police Station is investigating.
In a separate incident, Belmont Police are investigating a $12,500 robbery at Generation Car Wash on Cascade Main Road.
Reports say the business owner got a call from an employee around 11.51 am on February 3, telling her the company’s new vacuum cleaner valued $2,000, a $10,000 power-washer, and wash cloths and spray bottles valued $500 were missing.
Reports say the company’s CCTV footage showed that around 11.46 am, a silver Nissan Almera driven by a man of African descent, slim built, dark complexion, about five ft nine inches, wearing a red jersey, dark coloured jeans, and slippers, entered the premises.
The man put the stolen items in the car's trunk and drove off. CSI officers processed the area and collected CCTV footage. Investigations are ongoing.
And in yet another unrelated incident, Barataria police are investigating the robbery of a 30-year-old man which occurred on February 3 around 9.30 pm in El Socorro.
The victim was sitting in his black Nissan X-Trail, waiting for a burger he had just bought from a nearby food cart, when he was approached by two men, one armed with a gun.
The gunman opened the driver’s side door and announced a robbery. He stole the victim’s Samsung S21 cellphone and wallet, then ordered him out of his car, before getting behind the steering wheel and speeding off.
Officers on patrol responded to the report and interviewed the victim who at the time was too traumatised to provide a description of the suspects.
Based on information received, Cpl Ramkissoon and PC Quan of Barataria Police Station, with the assistance of Morvant police, recovered the victim's car around 10.05 pm on Massy Industrial Road in Morvant.
The car was processed, but no workable prints or items of evidential value were found.
"Pensioner robbed of $3k ‘coco-head’ bracelet"