Amazing Sunday of steelpan music

THE EDITOR: What an amazing Sunday of steelpan music from our youngsters.
The 2025 Panorama finals for primary and secondary schools and junior steelbands were a cornucopia of "eargasmic" delight.
Our young people outdid themselves and deserve the highest congratulations.
The support from packed Grand and North Stands was outstanding.
Well done to Pan Trinbago and everyone who played a role in this remarkable event.
Special thanks to WACK Radio 90.1 FM for its live telecast on You Tube.
It is a shame that TTT was televising some Korean show while this was happening. Its management clearly has no interest in the youth.
Oh, my beloved country, if only we can rise to the heights displayed by our children, we can truly become a great nation.
All that is needed is someone with a remarkable vision to take the wheel.
Mt Hope
"Amazing Sunday of steelpan music"