TT Rideshare driver, passenger robbed

- File photo
- File photo

A Lange Park man and his Rideshare driver were robbed after they went to Caparo to pick up a woman he barely knows.

On February 1, the 36-year-old man hired TT Rideshare to take him to Chickland Road, Caparo, to pick up a woman he only recent met online and only knew by her first name.

The woman told them to park on a narrow street near Chickland Road and wait for her.

When the two men arrived, a man with a cutlass got into the back seat and announced a robbery. He ordered both men to get out of the car and lie on the ground.

Another man with a cutlass then came out of some nearby bushes and they robbed both men.


They stole the driver’s Samsung S9 cellphone valued $1,500 and his wallet containing $800.They then robbed the passenger of $1,000 cash and a Samsung cellphone.

The men then got into the driver’s black Hyundai Elantra, valued $145,000, and drove off.

Police searched the area  for the car and the robbers but were unable to find any leads.

Cpl Reece and PC Babulal visited the scene and interviewed the victims and are investigating.


"TT Rideshare driver, passenger robbed"

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