Law Association head defends operations amid calls to cut fees

It would be foolhardy to lower annual subscription fees, president of the Law Association (LATT) Lynette Seebaran-Suite, SC, said in a report addressing a requisition for a special general meeting (SGM) to discuss reducing fees.
The requisition, submitted on January 14, claimed from 2016-2024, the association’s staff grew from six to 15, resulting in a sharp increase in salaries and operating costs without adequate benefits to members.
Seebaran-Suite responded in a 54-page report to members on January 27, dismissing the call by the dozens of petitioners. However, the petition will be discussed at an SGM set for February 7.
In her report, Seebaran-Suite said, “We are operating on 2007 fees, and inflation has cut into the value of the dollar.
“Inflation has meant that the 2024 dollar has 42 per cent less buying power than the 2007 dollar.
“If it is the view of the membership that this and previous councils have not performed, surely the answer lies in the democratic process of voting in fresh faces rather than crippling the organisation financially for the future.”
She said LATT’s membership had increased from approximately 4,000 in 2016 to over 6,000 by 2024. She explained the expansion of staff and resources was necessary to meet the growing demands of the association, particularly as the workload increased in tandem with membership.
“The twin allegations contained in the requisition that expenditure has risen without any tangible benefits to members and that benefits have fallen are untrue.
“The work of the Law Association involves far more than can be measured as a direct financial benefit in the hands of the members.”
Seebaran-Suite said LATT’s work also involved advocacy and upholding the administration of justice and the rule of law.
“This cannot be measured in dollars-and-cents values hitting the pockets of members. Our functions require many hours of work on the part of the council, who are volunteers, most with busy practices. They need an adequate contingent of qualified staff to support their work.”
LATT now collects some $5.2 million in fees, with total operating expenses, including wages, projects, events and subsidies, amounting to $4 million, the report said. She told members if the petition’s resolution was carried it would “negatively impact” LATT’s annual income, while savings to individual members would be “very small.”
“The annual subscription fees amount to no more than a few (no more than two) billable hours in any band of members…”
LATT’s president attributed rising operational costs to efforts to modernise the association and enhance its capacity to serve its members, citing strategic initiatives such as policy development and long-term sustainability planning.
“The herculean hours of work by council members and staff are not necessarily immediately visible to individual members, and many members do not exert themselves to read communications from the council or staff or access the association’s website,” she charged.
The report rejected claims of inadequate financial oversight, noting that all decisions on staffing, expenses, and training are made during monthly statutory council meetings, supported by detailed management, financial and committee reports.
She also said a reduction in LATT’s income would affect its plans, which include outfitting a law library, expanded databases, subsidies for social events, health plans and future law conferences.
This, she said, would be “unfortunate and damaging to the association.”
Seebaran-Suite said, “There is no current or recent allegation of misgovernance, financial impropriety or any other event which would have precipitated the current requisition to reduce fees.
“It has emerged with a false premise and an illogical rationale. All decisions for augmenting our staff over the years have been made properly, are well-documented…
“There has been no decrease in members’ benefits. There has been no groundswell of dissatisfaction with the performance of the council; rather, there has been a mood of pride and congratulation for the recent accomplishments of the association.”
She admitted apathy towards LATT’s work may necessitate hiring public relations and social media staff to improve member engagement, elevate the association’s profile and improve its website.
LATT’s president also detailed several long-term projects, including:
A book chronicling the history of the legal profession in TT, overseen by historian Prof Bridget Brereton; an annual law week to enhance professional camaraderie and public engagement; and upgrades to its head office, among others.
She acknowledged members’ concerns but urged them to consider the broader mission of the association as she highlighted the contributions of council members and staff in supporting LATT’s mandate.
"Law Association head defends operations amid calls to cut fees"