Scholarship winner Sharad Hatai committed to excellence

Sharad Hatai, 19, proudly describes himself as “home-grown,” having already achieved what many can only aspire to –earning an open scholarship in general studies, one of the highest academic honours in Trinidad and Tobago.
A resident of Caroni, Hatai’s journey from primary school to this milestone underscores the vital role of community support, coupled with unwavering diligence, humility, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.
As to why he describes himself as “home-grown,” he explained he attended Caroni Hindu Primary School from first year to standard two, Warrenville TIA Primary School from standard three to five, and Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College –all within the Caroni area.
Reflecting on his childhood, he shared, “From a young age, I embodied a love for school and learning. My mother always reminds me, ‘When I dropped you off on your first day of preschool, you ran in and did not look back, while all the other children were crying.’”
Hatai told Newsday he comes from a humble background and he would not have been able to afford studying abroad if not for the open scholarship opportunity.
“I have always been content and grateful, but I always knew finances sometimes hinder you from being able to expand your opportunities. I feel extremely blessed now to be granted this opportunity and proud of myself for never giving up on my education, and my family for investing as much as they could into my journey. Ultimately, every individual out there faces challenges, in a multitude of ways, but it is your determination and drive to never give up that defines you.”
An only child, Hatai comes from a close-knit family. His mother is a senior accounting assistant while his father, Shastri, is a former pressroom supervisor at Newsday.
Hatai’s academic achievements are impressive. He excelled at SEA, scoring in the 97th percentile, and later earned eight grade ones (seven with distinctions) at CSEC and eight ones at CAPE Units 1 and 2 (also seven with distinctions). Yet, he admits that he never envisioned winning an open scholarship.
“When I was starting form one at Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College, my aunt said, ‘One day, you will make a name for yourself and put your school on the map.’ I knew I was doing well and would always try my best, which was a mantra I follow, 'Just try your best,' but making it this far and actually seeing the fruits of my work is surreal. Suddenly, everything that I ever faced felt worth it.”
The open scholarship allows recipients to pursue tertiary education at accredited international institutions. Hatai’s combination of CAPE subjects –environmental science, management of business, and sociology along with the compulsory Caribbean and communication studies – reflects his interdisciplinary approach to learning.
“I believe doing this combination not only allowed me to develop a holistic understanding of the world around me but would have also paved the way to ascertain what field or subject area I truly love or am most interested in.”
He credits his success to a mindset of resilience and dedication.
“It required an immense amount of effort and dedication – every project, exam and task I was faced with, I was sure to give it my all. Ensuring I embodied diligence in every aspect of my life at school was fundamental to my success. While it’s possible to just study for the major exams and do well, I believe the holistic effort propels you further.”
This philosophy, he added, can lead to burn out as a student, but he said if one is able to maintain balance in one’s life, one will definitely succeed, and all the stress will seem worth it.
“I believe children should cultivate a love for learning from a young age, and it starts from the home. People often tell my parents that they are lucky because they never had to tell me to study or do my work; I was responsible enough from a young age and would do it myself. They would also assist me if I ever had difficulty. As I ventured into high school, I became a fully independent learner and prioritised my work at every stage of journey.”
That journey, however, was not without challenges.
“I often felt different growing up. I never liked video games or sports. Instead, you would often find me in the library, reading or crafting. "
A major personal challenge he faced was fitting in during high school. He was often isolated for being different or not sharing the same interests as many of his peers.
“This severely impacted my confidence and socialising skills, until I grew older and realised that being different is my superpower.
"I would urge any young person who is facing a similar dilemma to understand that the people who are 'different' are the leaders and change-makers of society.”
When asked who he would like to thank, he thanked God and was particularly grateful for the unwavering support of his family, especially his grandmother, Vida "Rasheeda" Mohammed, whom he fondly calls “Mama.”
“She has always been there to support me, pouring an incredible amount of love, guidance and resources into my development. I also would like to thank my parents for all their efforts and sacrifices towards my educational journey, my other family members have been fundamental, including my grandparents, immediate aunts, uncles and cousins. As a small group, we all support each other in any way we can.”
He sent special thanks to his teachers at Vishnu Boys’ Hindu College.
Hatai is pursuing his first degree in psychology at The UWI, St Augustine, where he recently completed his first semester.
“Given that I have the opportunity of the open scholarship now, I will be exploring my options and start applying to universities abroad.
“My career goal and one of my biggest aspirations is to work in the field of psychology, therefore, no matter where I end up, psychology is the programme I will pursue. I truly am very passionate about this field. The scholarship allows me to reach new heights and fulfil dreams I otherwise could not have.”
Through this career path, Hatai hopes to give back to his community by treating mental health issues and by dismantling stereotypes and addressing deeply-rooted societal issues/burdens, many of which are linked to mental health.
Vijay Maharaj, secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha congratulated Hatai. He said, “Sharad has shown his brilliance since form one. Although his teachers are ecstatic that he was able to win the Open scholarship, there was always a level of expectation. Our entire Vishnu Boys' Hindu College community is proud of him. The SDMS board of education has always placed great emphasis on moulding and producing excellence in education. As such, we extend heartiest of congratulations to this young man on his sterling achievement.”
To aspiring scholars, Hatai’s advice is: “Have faith and believe in yourself. Discover what you enjoy studying, integrate diligence into everything you do, and never take anything for granted. Passion and a disciplined mindset can carry you very far.”
"Scholarship winner Sharad Hatai committed to excellence"