Trump victory may benefit Trinidad and Tobago

THE EDITOR: Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election may result in significant change in US relations with Venezuela. This might occur because there would be nothing in US foreign policy under Trump as urgently important as finding a way to end the war in Ukraine, and that would not be possible without significant concessions to Russia. The alternative to concessions would be defeat for Ukraine.
It should not be difficult for Trump to find a way for Ukraine to submit to an agreement which would ensure that it would never pose a threat to Russia. Ukraine would now have no choice other than to submit.
But Russia is likely to vigorously negotiate a territorial settlement with Ukraine with a quid pro quo that would require, among many other things, that the US and EU stop their economic and monetary sanctions against Russia, and against such allies as Venezuela.
Trump, the businessman, may eventually realise the enormous benefits for US if Venezuela’s gas and oil can flow freely to the US, and so Trump’s second term as president may just result in such concessions to Russia and would bring pleasant surprises for TT’s trade relations with Venezuela, and embarrassment for those in TT who have consistently and dutifully supported US sanctions against Venezuela.
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"Trump victory may benefit Trinidad and Tobago"