Troubling matters in the country

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - AYANNA KINSALE
Prime Minister Dr Rowley - AYANNA KINSALE

THE EDITOR: Many issues are being reported in the dailies these days that make me wonder if any thought is being given to the underlying conditions. Some examples follow:

When one owns an item and leaves it to lie idle, you then see people who are interested in taking it over because they are sure they can make it profitable.

So, I am left to wonder why it was left idle in the first place and, secondly, why can I not make it profitable for myself.

Why is the Government looking to sell our refinery to a foreign entity? If they can make a go of it, can't we?

China is on a massive road-building project – and who is running our pitch lake project?


Why can we not operate the pitch lake for our own gain?

An Indian company is to give Trinidad a container of rice and oil, but in return for what? Isn't Trinidad considered the richest of the Caribbean islands? Why then give Trinidad and not the more needy islands?

I think this needs to be questioned.

Lastly, why is the Government dragging its feet regarding the oil spill that is still affecting Tobago and the Caribbean Sea? If no one wants to take ownership of it and it was identified as being diesel fuel, put an end to it by simply putting a match to it. Stop wasting money on the clean-up.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Prime Minister Rowley threaten to destroy the barge and its contents after giving, I think, a one-week notice.


Diego Martin


"Troubling matters in the country"

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