PM: Achievements of Afro Trinis must not be taken for granted

THE PRIME Minister says achievements made by TT in becoming an enlightened nation must not be taken for granted,
Dr Rowley acknowledged the role played by people of African descent in these achievements and added that people of African descent must never be taken for granted.
Rowley made these observations in his African Emancipation Day message to the nation.
He said today's celebrations represent "our achievements as an enlightened nation, one that upholds human ideals, ethical values, equality of opportunity, and the freedom to pursue individual happiness."
These achievements. Rowley continued, must not be taken for granted.
He said some of those achievements came against the background of the horrors of African slavery and "our African ancestors' long march to freedom."
Rowley added that they endured many trials and tribulations so "today we can stand as proud citizens of a progressive modern nation." He said much of the Western world today was built on the labour and sweat of enslaved Africans.
"It is against this background that our demand for reparation is made even as it continues to be ignored by those who pretend not to be aware of the diaspora’s claim against those who continue to benefit from Africa’s people and its continental wealth."
Rowley observed that some politicians in the US are advancing an argument which suggests there were positive civilizing effects on the enslaved.
He said this stereotype is not being accepted by the descendants of African slaves.
"In the 21st century, the descendants of the enslaved are rejecting stereotypical descriptions of complacency as we assert our determination, insight, imagination and distinctiveness."
Rowley suggested that the National Library and the National Trust focus some attention on highlighting the contributions of outstanding Afro-Trinbagonians, at home and abroad, to the public."
He identified Dr Eric Williams, Selwyn Ryan , Lloyd Best and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as some of these people.
Rowley also suggested that the University of the West Indies, the University of TT and the University of the Southern Caribbean research, then highlight and promote African heritage in TT's art, literature, music, religion, drama, fashion, cuisine, technical and entrepreneurial skills.
"It is only after the embrace of these assignments that the people of this nation can fully appreciate our challenges, our failures and our many successes."
The country is observing African Emancipation Day today with a public holiday.
"PM: Achievements of Afro Trinis must not be taken for granted"