Lazy? Wrong person, Tancoo
THE EDITOR: UNC Oropouche West MP Davendranath Tancoo can’t be serious in his claim that Prime Minister Rowley is the “laziest PM ever.” He must be comparing Dr Rowley with someone else. And one can only assume that someone is his own leader. If so, he is really embarrassing the poor woman.
Calling someone lazy is a harsh criticism which certainly does not reflect Rowley. He is always there sitting in Parliament once in the country or not sick. He is hardly ever late, whether in Parliament or at party or public functions. He attends all statutory meetings of his party and chairs both the Cabinet and the National Security Council. Rowley has established himself as the number one salesman for TT at both the regional and international levels – with success.
Rowley is always on the move working for the people of TT. As far as I can ascertain, he works a seven-day week, unlike others. And when he stands to speak he is eloquent, persuasive, cogent and authoritative without the aid of either notes or I-pad.
Lazy you say, Tancoo? A lazy person cannot play golf, Tancoo. How do you compare Rowley's track record with your leader, sir?
"Lazy? Wrong person, Tancoo"