PCA probes claims of misconduct, criminal acts at 3 municipal police stations

THE Police Complaints Authority (PCA) is investigating municipal police from three corporations after receiving a series of anonymous reports of serious police misconduct and criminal activity.
A release from the PCA on July 29 said the officers under investigation work at the Port of Spain City police station and the Siparia and Point Fortin borough stations.
PCA deputy director Michelle Solomon-Baksh confirmed an investigation into the allegations has begun.
"The people with information that may assist the PCA's investigation into these allegations are asked to contact the PCA. The deputy director wishes to assure the public that information received by the PCA is protected by the PCA Act and shall remain confidential," the statement said.
When contacted, police and other representatives from two of the corporations were shocked by the allegations and said they were unaware of them.
When Newsday called Doodnath Mayhroo, chairman of the Siparia Borough Corporation, he said it was the first time he had heard about the allegations and probe.
He later said that, from what senior police told him, it was news to them too.
"They are in shock because they say all of the officers work in keeping with the law, and they have had no negative reports on any particular officer. They want to know where that came from. They were unaware of any such investigations," he said.
"We do not know what report they (PCA officials) got and from whom. If the people reporting matters have evidence to back it up, that is a different story."
Kwesi Thomas, the deputy mayor of Point Fortin, said he was unaware of the allegations and probe. He could not give further information, as he said he was in a meeting.
Many police said they asked around the three corporations, and officers only became aware of the allegations and probe after the PCA media release.
Calls to the city corporation for comments went unanswered.
The PCA encourages anyone with information to call the authority at 226-4722, e-mail info@pca.org.tt or visit its offices at Level 24, Tower D, International Waterfront Centre, 1A Wrightson Road in Port of Spain.
"PCA probes claims of misconduct, criminal acts at 3 municipal police stations"