Prakash Deonarine gets silk

President Christine Kangaloo congratulates Prakash Deonarine SC on his appointment to the inner bar on July 10 at President's House, St Ann's.   - Photo courtesy Office of the President
President Christine Kangaloo congratulates Prakash Deonarine SC on his appointment to the inner bar on July 10 at President's House, St Ann's. - Photo courtesy Office of the President

ATTORNEY Prakash Deonarine was appointed to the rank of Senior Counsel on July 10 by President Christine Kangaloo.

A news release from the Office of the President on July 10 said President Kangaloo presented the instrument of appointment to Deonarine at a presentation ceremony at The President’s House.

Deonarine, it said, is a senior advocate attorney and managing partner at Girwar and Deonarine.

He was admitted to the Bar of England and Wales at Lincoln’s Inn and is also admitted to practise in TT.

Deonarine began his legal career as a member of the Criminal Bar.

After a decade in criminal law, Deonarine transitioned to civil and commercial litigation.

He is the head of the litigation department at Girwar and Deonarine, overseeing a range of corporate and commercial matters.

"With over 40 years of legal experience, Deonarine has appeared in numerous high-profile cases including before the Privy Council and Arbitral Courts. He has served as a member of the executive of the Assembly of Southern Lawyers, on the Law Association’s Disciplinary Committee of Lawyers of Trinidad and Tobago, and a Government Inquiry. He has trained over 50 junior lawyers and has contributed significantly to civil and corporate jurisprudence," the release said.

Deonarine is among 16 attorneys who received silk this year including Faris Al-Rawi, Stuart Young, Keith Scotland, Regan Asgarali, Simon de la Bastide, Gregory Delzin, Elaine Green, Lee Merry, Mark Morgan, Ravindra Nanga, Justin Phelps, Winston Seenath, Hasine Shaikh, Anthony Smart and Annabelle Sooklal.


"Prakash Deonarine gets silk"

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