FIFA talent coach to help Trinidad and Tobago U17 players

TTFA technical director Anton Corneal. - TTFA Media
TTFA technical director Anton Corneal. - TTFA Media

FIFA talent coach Kevin McGreskin will work with some of Trinidad and Tobago's top youth footballers towards developing quality teams for upcoming FIFA Under-17 World Cup campaigns.

Boys and girls between ages 13-17 are expected to benefit from this part of FIFA’s Talent Development Scheme, which caters for member associations with a soundly structured high-performance programme and long-term development plan.

TTFA technical director Anton Corneal announced the initiative on July 4 and described it as a blessing.

The main focus of this initiative is to invest in academies.

FIFA plans to have at least one high-performance academy or centre of excellence in 75 of its member associations by 2027, through its Academies Programme. It also intends to expand its youth tournaments and hold them more regularly.

Corneal said the sport’s governing body recognised TT as an ideal fit to implement such a programme. He said, “I think he’s (McGreskin) going to be a wonderful addition to our programme. He has worked with the men and women’s youth teams. He has been to Tobago, so when he comes here he’s going to really add a lot to what we’re doing really.”

McGreskin’s key responsibility is to help develop the players to the level that they should be in comparison with the world.

“We’re talking about individual development, physical and tactical development,” Corneal added. “And it’s really preparation for the U17 World Cup. So the four years before that World Cup, we are hoping that he’s involved and helps us with that pathway of development.”

Qatar will stage the expanded 48-team U17 World Cup annually over a five-year period, from 2025-2029. Morocco will host the FIFA U17 Women’s World Cup yearly over the same five-year period.

Corneal also said that FIFA covers all cost of McGreskin arrival and work here.


"FIFA talent coach to help Trinidad and Tobago U17 players"

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