Ms Magnificent Mom pageant on July 6

Ms Magnificent Mom finalists: Jamilia Constance, left, Janelle Charles, Kerlann Guerra-Sims, Angel Prudhomme-Gonzales, Jamilah James, Rosemary Mitchell, Jael James, reigning Ms Magnificent Mom Anastacia Richardson, Alisha Renaud, Latoya Ash, Alexzandria Gordon-Rajnath, Reanelle Allen-Defreitas, Deborah-Dale Pierre and Meguella Simon -
Ms Magnificent Mom finalists: Jamilia Constance, left, Janelle Charles, Kerlann Guerra-Sims, Angel Prudhomme-Gonzales, Jamilah James, Rosemary Mitchell, Jael James, reigning Ms Magnificent Mom Anastacia Richardson, Alisha Renaud, Latoya Ash, Alexzandria Gordon-Rajnath, Reanelle Allen-Defreitas, Deborah-Dale Pierre and Meguella Simon -

Thirteen mothers representing various areas of Trinidad and Tobago will compete in the grand finale of the Ms Magnificent Mom Pageant on July 6 at Cascadia, St Ann's.

The contestants, who already completed the interview and talent segments of the competition, were trained by Jeuel-Marie Green-Thompson, a media release said.

The event gets going at 7 pm.

For more info: 321 3037.

The 13 finalists are:

Jamilia Constance – Miss Santa Cruz

Janelle Charles ­– Miss El Dorado

Kerlann Guerra-Sims – Miss Sangre Grande

Angel Prudhomme-Gonzales – Miss Laventille

Jamilah James – Miss Belmont

Rosemary Mitchell – Miss Carapo

Jael James – Miss Barataria

Alisha Renaud – Miss D'Abadie

Latoya Ash – Miss Arima

Alexzandria Gordon-Rajnath­­­ – Miss Chaguanas

Reanelle Allen-Defreitas – ­­­Miss Ste Madeleine

Deborah-Dale Pierre – Miss Greenvale

Meguella Simon – Miss San Fernando


"Ms Magnificent Mom pageant on July 6"

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