Fall of US if Trump returns to White House

Donald Trump
Donald Trump AP PHOTO -

THE EDITOR: War is not coming. It is already here. The events that predated the two world wars are being replicated. If implemented, America’s isolation policy will be its downfall as its enemies are united against it while it turns its back on its long-standing allies, all in the name of making America great again, aka MAGA.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated he will not stop at Ukraine. Estonia, Latvia and Poland are next. China is sending similar warnings to Taiwan as is North Korea to its neighbours, while Venezuela is seeking to annex parts of Guyana.

The US election is less than six months away and polls reveal that former president Donald Trump will retake the White House and were that to occur it will signal the end of the great American experiment vis-a-vis democracy.

History professors with expertise in the fall of democracies, Ruth Ben Ghiat and Timothy Snyder, have sounded the warning, as have international relations experts Richard Haas and Ann Applebaum.

The movement in America is fuelled by white grievance, changing demographics and the fear that they are being replaced by non-whites. That fear was augmented when a black president was elected.

Their solution is to elect a convicted felon whose resume reads rapist, racist, snake oil salesman and compulsive liar. He is obsessed with autocrats and strongmen and has indicated that on returning to office he will shred the Constitution and reverse all the advancements made during the civil rights era. He has taken full responsibility for the reversal of Roe v Wade, promises to do the same with Obamacare, and will pull out of NATO.

God bless America, except they know not what for.


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"Fall of US if Trump returns to White House"

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