CWI boss rallies support for hurricane-affected islands

Cricket West Indies president Dr Kishore Shallow. - File photo byJeff Mayers
Cricket West Indies president Dr Kishore Shallow. - File photo byJeff Mayers

CRICKET West Indies (CWI) president Dr Kishore Shallow has expressed sorrow over the devastating impact of Hurricane Beryl on the Caribbean islands.

In a statement on July 3, hours before Beryl was expected to hit Jamaica, Shallow, a Vincentian, said he was pained to see what was left of his native land.

Trinidad and Tobago escaped the wrath of Beryl, but Grenada and St Vincent were not so lucky.

Shallow said, "As a citizen of St Vincent and the Grenadines, it is especially painful to witness the tragic loss in Union Island and the catastrophic damage to Carriacou and Petite Martinique, part of the tri-island state of Grenada.

"The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl is a stark reminder of the vulnerability our region faces. The destruction and loss are profound, and the road to recovery will be challenging. However, in the spirit of unity and resilience that characterises the West Indies, we will rise to meet these challenges head-on."

Shallow said he was praying that Jamaica was also not severely affected, as he urged all to take precautions.

The West Indies hosted the T20 Cricket World Cup final on Saturday in Barbados.

CWI said it stands in solidarity with all those affected by this calamity. "We pledge our unwavering support. Now more than ever, we must unite and 'Rally round the West Indies.' Together, we will rebuild and emerge stronger."


"CWI boss rallies support for hurricane-affected islands"

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