Stand against unlawful registration fees

 Umar Abdullah -
Umar Abdullah -


I WRITE with grave concern over the unlawful and unjust practice of secondary schools demanding exorbitant registration fees from parents. As the founder and leader of The First Wave Movement, an organisation dedicated to championing civil and human rights, it is my duty to inform and empower parents to stand against this illegal imposition.

Government's stance on free education

The Ministry of Education has a clear policy: education is free for all students enrolled in public early childhood care and education (ECCE) schools, and primary and secondary schools. This means that no school should be demanding mandatory registration fees from parents. Unfortunately, many schools have turned what should be voluntary contributions into what seems to be mandatory fees, undermining the very foundation of our nation's free education policy.

Illegality of mandatory registration fees

According to recent directives from the Ministry of Education, no registration fees should be charged for enrolling students in Form One or any other grade. Despite this, reports indicate that some schools are requesting fees as high as $3,000. This is not only a violation of government policy, but also a clear infringement on the rights of parents and guardians.

Unlawful imposition and government funding

As far as I am concerned, these fees are an unlawful imposition on citizens, designed to compensate for the lack of adequate funding by the Government. It is unacceptable that parents are being burdened with these costs under the guise of school necessities, which should be covered by government allocations.

This practice not only contravenes the principles of free education, but also shifts the financial responsibility unfairly onto families, many of whom are already struggling to make ends meet.

International standards and local obligations

TT is a signatory to several international treaties and agreements that uphold the right to free and inclusive education. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights both affirm the right of every child to free primary and secondary education.

Our country is legally bound to honour these commitments, yet the current practices in our schools suggest otherwise.

Stand up for your rights

I urge parents to refuse to pay any registration fees demanded by secondary schools. Reject any explanations given by principals or school administrators who claim these fees are necessary for purchasing uniforms, report books, or other material. These items, while essential, should not be tied to the registration process and should not be used as a pretext for imposing illegal fees.

Your rights and actions

* Contact us: If parents are being asked to pay registration fees, please contact me directly at 365-6253, WhatsApp me at 787-0765, or e-mail me at The First Wave Movement is prepared to challenge this in court and seek legal redress on behalf of parents.

* Know the law: Parents must familiarise themselves with the Government's policy on free education and parents' rights under international treaties.

* Demand accountability: Hold school administrators accountable for adhering to national and international laws and policies.

Recommendations for moving forward

* Transparent communication: Schools should clearly communicate that any contributions are voluntary and not tied to the registration process.

* Government oversight: The Ministry of Education must increase oversight and enforce penalties for schools that violate the free education policy.

* Community support: Parents should unite and support each other in refusing to pay illegal fees, ensuring that no child is discriminated against based on their ability to pay.


Together we can put an end to this unlawful practice and ensure that all children in TT have equal access to free education. Stand with us and let us champion the cause of justice and equality in our education system.

Umar Abdullah is the founder and leader of The First Wave Movement


"Stand against unlawful registration fees"

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