No progress, prosperity under PNM

UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Lincoln holder
UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Lincoln holder

THE EDITOR: I write to express my profound concern about the long-standing issues of poverty, crime, inequality and injustice that have plagued TT since 1956 under the governance of the PNM.

Despite being an oil-rich and culturally diverse nation, we have witnessed a persistent failure by the PNM to uplift our society and provide equitable opportunities for all citizens.

For decades, the PNM has promised progress and prosperity, yet the reality for many Trinidadians and Tobagonians is starkly different.

Poverty remains rampant, with countless families struggling to make ends meet. Crime rates have soared, leaving communities in fear and despair. Inequality has widened, creating a chasm between the affluent and the marginalised. Injustice is pervasive, with many feeling disenfranchised and voiceless in their own country.

Under the current leadership of Prime Minister Rowley, these issues have only been exacerbated. The PNM's governance has cast a dark shadow over our nation, stifling the potential of our people and undermining our social fabric. It is evident that we need a transformative change to steer our country towards a brighter future.

In this context, the rise of Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the UNC offers a beacon of hope. Her vision for TT is one of inclusivity, justice and economic revival. Her track record and commitment to social equity suggest that she is well equipped to address the deep-rooted challenges that have hindered our progress.

A UNC government under Persad-Bissessar's leadership promises to bring about the necessary reforms to combat poverty, reduce crime, bridge the inequality gap, and ensure justice for all citizens. It is time for us to emerge from the shadows cast by the PNM and embrace a future where every Trinidadian and Tobagonian can thrive.

Let us support Persad-Bissessar and the UNC in their mission to save our nation from the current despair and lead us towards a more prosperous and just TT.




"No progress, prosperity under PNM"

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