Gunman with cross tattoo robs Pleasantville businesswoman

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- File photo

MON REPOS police are investigating a report of a robbery with aggravation in Pleasantville on June 24 involving a man with a tattoo of a cross under his right eye.

The victim, a businesswoman, 42, was not hurt during the ordeal, which happened around 9.15 am at her store, Excentric Essential. The police said the man walked in and locked the front door.

He pointed a gun at her and announced a robbery. He stole $5,000 and two cellphones – an iPhone 13 worth $5,000 and a Samsung phone worth $1,200, then left.

The man, who was of African descent, was light brown in complexion, about five foot five inches tall and slim-built. He had a cross tattoo under his right eye and wore a blue jersey, three-quarter jeans and a fisherman hat.

Mon Repos police were alerted, and W/Cpl Charles and WPC Frederick responded and gathered evidence. Investigators were hoping to use CCTV footage to help solve the case. No one has been arrested. PC Ramjattan is leading the investigation.


"Gunman with cross tattoo robs Pleasantville businesswoman"

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