Hollow victory by Kamla

Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Venessa Mohammed
Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Venessa Mohammed

THE EDITOR: While the results of the two recent by-elections are of significant interest to the national population, the supporters of Kamla Persad-Bissessar are not in the least bit concerned.

Not withstanding the fact that the Persad-Bissessar-led UNC was humiliated in the district of Indian Walk/Lengua and saw the PNM making significant inroads in Quinam, the UNC supporters hold on to their stumbling leader.

They are not at all concerned that the trends show that the UNC will lose the Moruga/Tableland seat in the next general election and that the party will not be able to capture any seats which it does not hold.

As far as the supporters are concerned, Persad-Bissessar's team won the internal elections by defeating a spirited Rushton Paray, who incidentally beat Persad-Bissessar in every position contested in Mayaro.

Persad-Bissessar and her dwindling group of supporters will pay no heed to the fact that her support base is being eroded as it is the first time she has faced a serious internal challenge.

Persad-Bissessar's sycophants will continue to celebrate a hollow victory over her own members, but will ignore the impending tsunami whenever the general election is called.

The writing is on the on the wall, but the celebratory drinks continue with gay abandon.


San Fernando


"Hollow victory by Kamla"

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