Penal contractor robbed at knife, gunpoint

Police at a crime scene. - File photo by Jeff K Mayers
Police at a crime scene. - File photo by Jeff K Mayers

THIEVES beat and robbed a 39-year-old contractor of cash and jewellery at his home in Penal on June 17.

The police said at around 8 am, the victim, of Penal Rock Road, was outside his home when two men accosted him.

One had a gun, and the other a knife. Both appeared to be about five foot eight tall and had something covering their faces. They wore long-sleeved jackets.

One was of African descent and the other of Indian descent.

The gunman hit the contractor several times and announced a hold-up. The men took him inside the house, where they tied his hands and feet.

The armed men ransacked the house and stole $4,000 and an assortment of gold jewellery.

They left with the loot and the victim managed to untie himself and alert the police.

Acting Sgt Hanumansingh and PCs Ramoutar, McGuire and Telesford gathered evidence and searched the area for the men, without success.

PC Ramoutar is investigating.


"Penal contractor robbed at knife, gunpoint"

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