Stop fooling, Mr Minister

Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan. - File photo by Faith Ayoung
Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan. - File photo by Faith Ayoung

THE EDITOR: It is again sickening to hear Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan say that flash floods are inescapable the world over.

The minister must stop pulling wool over the eyes of citizens. In case he is not aware, that is a challenge conquered by many countries.

The truth is that his ministry has no clue or capacity to tackle the problem, because he and his government have no interest in preventing flooding, particularly in rural communities such as Caparo, Sharpe Road, Durham Mills, Carr Trace, etc.

Mr Minister, do not boast in Parliament or elsewhere that you have done a great deal to curtail flooding.

For your information, communities floods because rivers, drains and watercourses are not cleaned properly, if at all.

Take, for instance, in the Caparo area. Dredging is done in a very haphazard manner. And because of poor drainage, the entire Brasso Caparo Road becomes a river bed for several days.

In this day and age, with billions of dollars expended, we see no relief, and the people who benefit from this largesse do not live in the area.

Stop fooling the populace, Mr Minister. Flash floods, in fact any flood, can certainly be overcome.

Now that the rainy season is here, we can expect many more attempts to fool the public.




"Stop fooling, Mr Minister"

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