Trade Minister gets visit from Azerbaijan envoy

Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon, left, shakes hands with Azerbaijan ambassador Rashad Intigam Oglu Novruz at the ministry office in Port of Spain, on June 4.
Photo courtesy MTI -
Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon, left, shakes hands with Azerbaijan ambassador Rashad Intigam Oglu Novruz at the ministry office in Port of Spain, on June 4. Photo courtesy MTI -

Trade minister Paula Gopee-Scoon was visited by the ambassador to Azerbaijan, Rashad Intigam Oglu Novruz, a ministry release said on Friday.

The minister and ambassador spoke on opportunities to enhance trade relations.

Gopee-Scoon said there are investment opportunities in the agricultural sector in terms of the production of rice, vegetables, dairy, poultry and fish.

Novruz said Azerbaijan is a net importer of food. He also shared Azerbaijan's interest in the region.


"Trade Minister gets visit from Azerbaijan envoy"

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