Cops find loaded gun in toilet ceiling in Penal, 4 held

A gun and ammunition seized in anti-crime exercises. - Photo courtesy TTPS
A gun and ammunition seized in anti-crime exercises. - Photo courtesy TTPS

Police arrested four people and found three guns and a quantity of ammunition in anti-crime exercises across several divisions between April 30 and the morning of May 1.

In the South Western Division (SWD), Task Force and Gang Unit officers held an exercise at around 5.40 am on April 30 and went to the house of a male suspect in Penal.

They searched the premises and found a Taurus revolver loaded with four rounds of ammunition hidden in the ceiling of a toilet.

The police arrested the suspect and three other people who were at the house at the time.

In the Cumuto district, officers held an exercise between 10.30 am and 1.30 pm on April 30 and searched a bushy area at Four Roads in Tamana.

A gun and ammunition seized in anti-crime exercises. - Photo courtesy TTPS

They found a homemade shotgun along with a bag containing 14 rounds of 12-gauge cartridges.

In the Western Division, Task Force officers held an exercise early on May 1 in the Carenage district.

The police searched a boatyard and found a Beretta pistol loaded with a magazine containing five rounds of ammunition under a boat.

Investigations are ongoing into all matters.


"Cops find loaded gun in toilet ceiling in Penal, 4 held"

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