[UPDATED] Family of Enterprise man shot by police wants closure

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The family of Ackim Layne, 24, who was shot dead by police on April 25 in Enterprise, Chaguanas, is accusing police of delaying the release of his body so his funeral can take place.

Layne was one of two men shot dead by police after the latter received reports around 2 am of armed men lurking near John Street, Enterprise. Police said when officers went to the area, they were fired on and they returned gunfire. Five days later, both bodies have not yet been brought to the Forensic Science Centre.

The family of the other victim, who has not yet been named, was unwilling to speak.

Layne’s relatives said they have been to the centre twice but his body is yet to arrive for an autopsy. A female relative claimed police are not giving them any information. She described the delays as “unbearable.”

“They told us to come at 8 am (on Tuesday) and then they called and said they not bringing the body any more. We want to know what all this keep back is for. He was a Muslim and was supposed to be buried already.”

Relatives said they found the circumstances strange as they did not know Layne to be involved in criminal activity. While he was unemployed he made money doing odd jobs for people in the community including baby-sitting.

A male relative said Layne had no criminal history apart from a drug possession charge after he was caught smoking marijuana before it was decriminalised.

The family questioned the police’s version of events and claimed there is footage available to disprove the officers' claims.

However, they said, this footage was seized by police.

“They say he had a gun. He never had any gun. They shoot him in his chest. He tried to run. They shoot him in the road. He ran in front of a neighbour’s security cameras...but (the police) came back and bully that neighbour and took out their whole camera system and gone with it.”

They also accused the police of “bullying” residents.

Layne's relatives said they intend to file a report to the Police Complaints Authority (PCA). They said they have preserved the scene of Layne’s death as much as possible until PCA investigators can visit and assess it.

PCA communications manager Rachael Armorer-Singh confirmed an investigation into the two killings has already been initiated.

This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

THE family of Ackim Layne, 24, who was shot by police on April 25 in Enterprise is accusing the police of delaying the release of his body for burial.

Layne was one of two men shot and killed by police after they received reports around 2 am of armed men near John Street, Enterprise.

Police say they went to the area and were greeted by gunfire and returned fire, shooting both men.

Five days later, the families of both men say their bodies have not yet been brought to the Forensic Science Centre.

Speaking with the media, Layne’s family said they have been to the centre twice but his body is yet to arrive for an autopsy.

One female relative said the delay in organising his burial is “unbearable.”

“They told us to come at 8 am (on April 30) and then they called and said they not bringing the body any more. We want to know what all this keepback is for.

"He is a Muslim and he is supposed to be buried already.”

Another male relative said the family intends to approach the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) to file an official complaint.

The PCA’s communication manager Rachael Armorer-Singh confirmed an investigation into the killings has begun.


"[UPDATED] Family of Enterprise man shot by police wants closure"

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