Let's live harmoniously with our neighbours

Eid-ul-Fitr address by the acting president general of the Anjuman Sunnat-ul Jamaat Association Inc of TT, Imam Ahamad Hosein, at the Guaracara ASJA Masjid on Wednesday
DEAR BROTHERS and sisters, assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah (may the peace and mercy of Allah be with you).
Greetings and best wishes to you and family on this very auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, God Almighty, bless and protect us from evil and guide us to the path of righteousness.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, the creator of the Heavens and the Earth, has allowed us to see and participate in another month of Ramadan.
We give praise and thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for affording us the opportunity to take part in this festival of fast-breaking.
Today the Muslims from all across the world are rejoicing over this happy and joyous occasion. We must understand that this sacred month of Ramadan has come to us with every type of blessings and left us, never to return. Hopefully we took the opportunity to accept the blessings that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala presented to us during Ramadan.
We also bid farewell to the month of the coming down of the Qu'ran, the month of extra
ibadah (worship) and of togetherness.
While we are celebrating this day, I urge you to take some time and reflect on our brothers and sisters from around the world who are experiencing some kind of hardship, especially those in Palestine who are not as fortunate as we are. We pray that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will eradicate their genocidal pressures and give them comfort through our continued supplications for their relief, inshah Allah (God willing).
One of the general features of Ramadan that stands out all the time is the response of the large number of brothers and sisters frequenting the masjids during Ramadan.
We pray that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will increase their
iman (faith), to continue attending the masjid in obedience to Allah. We also pray for all our brothers and sisters who did not fast because of health issues.
We ask Allah to bless all those who have fasted to continue with the same
taqwah (piety) that they practised during Ramadan, so that our society will be safe and trouble-free.
We pray for peace and security among all the various religious organisations in our plural society. Let us practise religious tolerance among each other’s beliefs and practices and live in harmony with each other.
Let tolerance begin with us and let us live harmoniously with our neighbours. If we do not live like this, brothers and sisters, then we have not learnt God-consciousness during the month of Ramadan.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala bless us all, as I expect a favourable response from everyone,
inshah Allah.
Eid Mubarak to everyone.
"Let’s live harmoniously with our neighbours"