Guide to success: 6 digital business lessons

Keron Rose hosting the OAS Cybersecurity Symposium in the Bahamas in 2023. - Photo courtesy Keron Rose
Keron Rose hosting the OAS Cybersecurity Symposium in the Bahamas in 2023. - Photo courtesy Keron Rose

Starting a digital business can be an exhilarating yet challenging journey, one filled with learning opportunities and moments of discovery.

When I embarked on this adventure with my Droid Island business in 2016, I was a neophyte in the vast digital landscape.

However, over the years, through trial and error, I've gleaned valuable lessons that have significantly shaped my business strategy and success.

Here, I share six pivotal lessons that any entrepreneur venturing into the digital world should take to heart.

Harnessing search engine data for content creation

The power of search engine data is immense. In the early days of Droid Island, I learned to leverage this data to understand what potential customers were searching for and what content resonated with them.

This insight allowed me to create targeted content for my website, which I repurposed for social media platforms. By aligning my content with the interests and needs of my audience, I was able to attract more visitors to my site and engage with them on social media, creating a cohesive digital presence that drove business growth.

Integrating digital platforms for a unified presence

One of my key realisations was the importance of integrating various digital platforms to build a larger digital footprint.

Website content, YouTube, podcasts, blogs, social media, e-mail lists and push notifications are not standalone channels. Instead, they work synergistically to amplify your message and reach a broader audience.

Understanding how to effectively combine these elements enabled me to create a unified and compelling digital presence that captivated and retained customers across multiple touchpoints.

Diversifying your channel strategy

In the digital age, putting all your eggs in one basket is a strategy doomed to fail.

Early on, I learned my audience was scattered across various platforms, both traditional and digital.

Embracing this diversity, I ventured to tap into these different channels, tailoring my approach to meet the unique characteristics and preferences of each audience segment.

This diversification not only expanded my reach but also safeguarded my business against the volatility of digital platforms.

Avoiding platform dependency

Closely related to diversification is the lesson of avoiding platform dependency.

In the fast-evolving digital landscape, platforms can rise and fall, change algorithms or shift policies in ways that can significantly affect your business.

I learned to build my digital presence in a way that was not overly reliant on any single platform. This approach provided stability and ensured that changes in platform algorithms or policies had a minimal impact on my overall digital strategy.

Learning from successful digital entrepreneurs

There's a wealth of knowledge to be gained from those who have trodden the path before you.

I made it a point to follow digital entrepreneurs who had achieved the kind of success I aspired to. By studying their strategies, understanding their failures and reverse-engineering their successes, I could extract valuable insights and apply them to my business.

Learning from the best accelerated my growth and saved me from many potential pitfalls.

Embracing experimentation and failure

Finally, one of the most liberating lessons I learned was the importance of experimentation and the value of failure.

In the digital realm, what works today may not work tomorrow, and the only way to stay ahead is to experiment continually.

Initially, the fear of failure held me back, but I soon realised each failure brought me closer to success. Embracing failure as a part of the learning process allowed me to iterate quickly, refine my strategies and discover what truly worked for my business.


The journey of building Droid Island was one of continuous learning and adaptation. The digital landscape is perpetually changing, offering both challenges and opportunities.

The lessons I've shared here have been instrumental in navigating this landscape and building a resilient, thriving business. Everything I learned building the brick-and-mortar store, and then eventually turning it into an e-commerce business that deepened my knowledge in digital marketing and e-commerce.

When people saw the work I did with Droid Island, people started coming to me more and more about how I had built that business, and when the pandemic hit, I knew that I was being called on for more. I was equipped to help entrepreneurs across the region build their businesses online.

To those embarking on their digital business ventures, I hope these insights serve as a guide and inspiration on your journey to success.

Remember, the digital world is vast and the opportunities are limitless. With the right approach, perseverance and willingness to learn from successes and failures, you can carve out your own path to digital business success.

Keron Rose is a digital strategist who works with businesses to build their digital presence and monetise their platforms.

Learn more at or listen to the Digipreneur FM podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify, or Google podcasts.


"Guide to success: 6 digital business lessons"

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