Cocoa: A sleeping giant

Cocoa pods in the sun just after harvesting. -
Cocoa pods in the sun just after harvesting. -

THE EDITOR: The economic diversification of our economy – away from being wholly dependent on finite fossil fuel resources – has proven to be much easier said than done, for governments past and present.

This doesn’t mean we should stop trying. With the right support and infrastructural upgrades, our cocoa industry is well-poised to make a major contribution to Trinidad and Tobago’s economy today and tomorrow.

It is common knowledge that the Trinitario variety of cocoa is much sought after the world over. It is also worth knowing that the price of the cocoa bean has been trending upwards on the international market.

Cocoa-producing countries have taken note, so why not TT ? The labour shortage can be addressed by designing a programme to attract migrant labour for the specific purpose of working in this particular industry.

There also can be improved economic incentives for investors who want to enter the industry.


What I’m trying to highlight is that we have a slumbering economic giant right in our backyards.

Let’s not squander another golden economic opportunity.

Colin Denoon

Port of Spain


"Cocoa: A sleeping giant"

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