Friendship Connector Road close to completion

Assemblyman Trevor James, Secretary for Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development - Photo courtesy THA
Assemblyman Trevor James, Secretary for Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development - Photo courtesy THA

Work on the Friendship Connector Road is moving ahead at a steady pace.

A press release from the THA's Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and Urban Development said overall, the project stands 75 per cent complete and is anticipated to be completed by the end of March.

The release said paving started at Shirvan to Store Bay Local Road Connector, Friendship and at present, two layers of asphalt are being laid along the 2.7 km dual lane road.

The division said the road is expected to alleviate the traffic congestion on Milford Road during peak hours and provide alternative access to residents of the Crown Point area and motorists.

The new infrastructure features two roundabouts, a bridge crossing and earthen drains.


"Friendship Connector Road close to completion"

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