Revamping FUL renewal system: A push for digital efficiency

Rushton Paray - ...
Rushton Paray - ...

THE EDITOR: I write to express my profound concern and disappointment regarding the Government's lacklustre approach to digital transformation, a critical issue that affects the daily lives of our citizens, especially those in rural communities.

The recent changes in the firearm users licence (FUL) renewal process serve as a glaring example of this failure. Applicants are now required to submit additional documentation, including medical and competence certifications, along with a paper form that is only available at the Government Printery.

This archaic system imposes an unreasonable burden on thousands of citizens in rural areas like Mayaro, Rio Claro and Biche, who must travel significant distances and incur substantial costs to obtain a document that costs a dollar or two.

In an era where digital solutions are the norm, it is baffling that the Ministry of Digital Transformation has not implemented an online platform for such processes. This platform could allow FUL holders to fill out forms, upload necessary documents, and pay licence fees electronically, with the only physical requirement being the presentation of their firearm at the local police station for annual verification.

The contrast is stark and telling when compared to the US visa application process, which, despite its high security demands, can be completed entirely online. Our insistence on outdated, paper-based processes not only demonstrates a lack of respect for our citizens, but also contradicts our ambition to be a leader in technological advancement.

This situation calls for immediate action. The police service must re-evaluate and update this process to align with the digital age. We cannot claim to aspire towards technological leadership while continuing to burden our citizens with outdated and inefficient bureaucratic procedures. It is high time our administrative practices reflect the digital era we live in.


MP, Mayaro


"Revamping FUL renewal system: A push for digital efficiency"

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