Oldies but Goldies capture King of the Court volleyball crown

The inaugural “King of the Court” Volleyball title was captured by team Oldies but Goldies on December 21 at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sporting Arena, Tacarigua.
The one-day open-format tournament was hosted by CC10 Volleyball Academy to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the academy. The competition utilised the new innovative format of the sport which is the “King of the Court”. The modified version is played on a smaller court and the team that wins the one-point rally stays on the court while the losing team departs the court and is replaced by the new challenging team. The team with the greatest number of points after the time has expired is adjudged the winner. There were 12 participating teams and they played for two hours and 30 minutes.
Oldies but Goldies team of Tymika Duncan, Dale Addison, and current national players Ryan Stewart Darlene Ramdin and Kiune Fletcher totalled 73 points and were clear winners after the time elapsed. Capturing the silver medals were Monsters Inc – Tsyan Selvon, Joshua Persaud, Joel Theodore, Michael Burkett, Jeremiah Jankey who amassed 54 points. The bronze medals went to 4lifers (Cheyenne Chin Choy, Triston Martinez, Elijah Best, Destini Leon, Kaylon Cruickshank) who scored 40 points.
The event was organised by the coach and owner of CC10 Academy, Courtnee-Mae Clifford. The former national player and coach was pleased with the turnout and the interest shown by the volleyball fraternity. She said, “The goal of this event is to create a space for people who love the game to have an avenue to play the game and build the community.” Looking ahead to next year, she added, “The vision of the tournament is to continue building and to have it on a consistent basis throughout the year on a larger scale encouraging the private sector to get involved and potentially encourage regional and international athletes to participate.” The event was supported by Gatorade, bestof5tt (volleyball apparel) and Vy’s Homemade which provided hampers and giveaways to both spectators and competitors.
The CC10 Academy continues with programmes for 2024 with the upcoming All Skills Clinic that starts on January 12. It will take place every Friday for seven weeks at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sporting Arena from 5pm to 7pm. Clifford believes the clinic is important so players can have an environment to sharpen their skill set and are assisted in transitioning from the amateur to high performance level.
"Oldies but Goldies capture King of the Court volleyball crown"