Callous cashless comments, Mr PM

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Jeff K. Mayers
Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Jeff K. Mayers

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Prime Minister Rowley.

Let me begin by saying I am not affiliated to any political party and my opinion is not biased as most by their political inclinations. I have praised some of your past actions, but disagree with your recent comments on making TT a cashless society based on your personal preference for same.

The foisting of a leader’s personal preference on the citizens is always a dangerous venture as it insensitively disregards many of the society who can be left out by a narrow one-sided stance. I remind you that some still do not have electricity, nor internet, and some are not technologically savvy, while others simply prefer cash transactions

This stance is especially callous bearing in mind the increasing cyber-fraud activities, inclusive of the recent compromising of Republic Bank, PriceSmart and T&TEC accounts.


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"Callous cashless comments, Mr PM"

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