Lee should apologise to diplomats

Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee - File photo
Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee - File photo

THE EDITOR: Divali is generally known as a celebration of the triumph of good over evil and the illumination of light over darkness. A deeper insight into the celebration speaks of the qualities of leadership of Lord Rama, which is very relevant today. It speaks to the principle of honour and integrity in leadership which engenders authentic respect and loyalty from stakeholders. It teaches that respect brings loyalty.

Given the context of Divali, it was most astounding to read the comments of a UNC Member of Parliament who seemed to have ignored the basic teachings. MP David Lee seemed to be so interested in the political status of his beleaguered political leader that he breached all protocols regarding the diplomats who were invited to a function hosted by the Leader of the Opposition in Siparia.

Lee, casting aside good sense, decency and respect, embarked on a tirade that would have sent shock waves through the diplomatic community. He ignored the principle of honour and integrity to the invited guests.

He miraculously concluded that the presence of the diplomats coming to far-off Siparia speaks of the strength and the recognition of Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s position as leader, sadly giving the misguided impression that their presence was an endorsement of Persad-Bissessar’s leadership.

Lee holds the position of Opposition Chief Whip in Parliament and is an experienced MP. He should be aware that members of the diplomatic community are invited to a lot of political functions, including PNM and UNC conventions, and their presence does in no way amount to an endorsement of the political parties.

In his obscene quest to promote his loyalty to his political leader, Lee has confused himself and displayed the darkness of sycophancy and has embarrassed the diplomatic community and an apology is the least he can offer.


San Fernando


"Lee should apologise to diplomats"

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