Cheryl McKenzie-Cook teaches art of letting go

Cheryl McKenzie-Cook -
Cheryl McKenzie-Cook -

Happiness and empowerment coach Cheryl McKenzie-Cook, through her transformational training organisation Think it Talk it, will facilitate a one-day workshop, The Art of Letting Go.

This event takes place on October 7, in Santa Cruz, at Colibri – The Creative Centre of Light, from 8.30 am-4 pm.

A media release said McKenzie-Cook is no stranger to letting things go – and moving on from them. She has had to learn how to be happy in the face of many challenges, in health, relationships, finance and identity.

"I have learned not just how to survive but to thrive by learning to accept, surrender and let go," McKenzie-Cook said in the release.

She has navigated not one, not two, but three breast cancer "adventures," as she refers to them. She also had a heart-failure "adventure," an auto-immune disease diagnosis, two failed marriages, had to walk away from her dream house, and even two armed robberies, the release said.

In the workshop, participants will be guided on how to do the same, the release said.

McKenzie-Cook has led workshops for a number of years and was pivotal in such projects as the Plus programme for the Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Unesco Peace in the Classroom. She has also been instrumental in running workshops for the Civilian Conservation Corps and Creative Parenting for the New Era.

Participants can expect a vibrant atmosphere that will help them to navigate areas of their lives where they feel stuck and unable to move forward. They will be equipped with the tools to live more authentically (being who they truly are) while releasing old, lingering guilt and regret. This will provide freedom from the “shoulds” and “have tos” that cause stress, the release said.

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"Cheryl McKenzie-Cook teaches art of letting go"

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